Ontem, estava eu em casa... uma insônia daquelas... e nessas horas nada melhor q um bom filme (quer dizer, nem precisa ser tão bom assim, né?)...
Só tenho uma coisa a dizer: essa insônia não pode vir em hora melhor! :)
Leiam o q estou postando abaixo e vão entender... e assistiam a esse filme (The Guardian - O Salva-Vidas).
" - When the heck we get old?
- Hell, I've always been old, Ben.
You know what, though? I don't mind.
I mean, if my muscles ache, it's 'cause I've used them.
If it's hard for me to walk up them steps now,
it's 'cause I walked up them every night to lay next to
a man who loved me.
I got a few wrinkles here and there,
but I've laid under thousands of skies on sunny days, yeah.
I look and feel this way, well, 'cause I drank and I smoked,
I lived and I loved, and danced, sang, sweat and screwed my way
through a pretty damned good life, if you ask me.
Getting old ain't bad, Ben.
Getting old, that's earned."
(The Guardian)
Posted by Pris.
6 years ago
1 comment:
olha eu aqui
criei o meu
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