Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Conversa no MSN

Thomas diz:
To know oneself is a lifetime journey. We change like everything around us/ Realize that who you are today is different from yesterday. Realize also that your foundations are still the same....a castle having good foundations saw the parable of the Mountain and the horrors of WWII

Jossely diz:
why r we so changeable?

Thomas diz:
Every new learning causes change

Jossely diz:

Thomas diz:
every new feeling causes changes... and life is metamorphosis

Jossely diz:
reading this makes me think so much... i have thought so much these days....... aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh....... i mean... it's good to change

Thomas diz:
It is a let-go... It is a pact with uncertainty.

Jossely diz:
but then when u get to know yourself it seems that in every step you take, the road gets longer and longer.... it's like a never-ending process.... well... it is a never-ending process, right?

Thomas diz:
It is a never ending but always growing process. Happiness is to grow always no matter how

Jossely diz:
sure it is... when i grow up i want to be like you ... :)

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