Saturday, March 31, 2007


"Yet a voice within him spoke above the noise of his dancing heart..."
"- She too wants me to catch hold of her, he thought. That's why she came with me to the tram. I could easily catch hold of her when she comes up to my step: nobody is looking. I could hold her and kiss her.
But he did neither: and, when he was sitting alone in the deserted tram, he tore his ticket into shreds and stared gloomily at the corrugated footboard".

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The river is irreversible...

Laid down on my boyfriend's lap... he took the photo...

a second of rest after a Latin class...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Isn't he cute?...

In the bus today, this little boy called my attention... he was kneeling on the bus seat and watching life through the window... I couldn't avoid taking his photo.... he didn't notice me...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

being thankful....

Thanking GOD for having passed the CAE...
Photo 1: reading the Bible [a psalm] and crying loads...
Photo 2: my speech...
Then, the PIZZA.... yummy....
sorry... pics are a bit out of focus - but I had to register that....
God is awesome.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


After teaching the whole day wearing high heeled sandals... there's nothing better than havaianas...

Friday, March 16, 2007


O que em mim é silêncio para os de fora, na verdade, são conversas de mim para comigo mesma...

Thursday, March 15, 2007


The Song of the Bluebird

A breast of rusty red,
A back of sky blue,
A song of peacefulness.
A bluebird flys over
a golden field to it's home
at the edge of the field.
It stops to rest on a nearby tree
and shows off it's chest proudly.
It twitters a song of relaxation, and peace.
Of happiness and freedom.
Of healthiness
and all the Pleasures of life.
The bluebird hops
to the top of the tree
and watches the sun set over the horizon.
Soon the crickets are chirping
as the moon shines
in the darkness.
The bluebird puffs up its chest
and preens itself.
Then it tucks its head
under its wing
and falls asleep.

-- Megan Groves
Age 10
Southside Student

Saturday, March 10, 2007



Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ensinai a criança no caminho em que deve andar...

"O amor é a mais soberana de todas as virtudes cristãs." [A. W. Pink]

Lançamento do CD do Amiguinhos do Tenda do Encontro, no dia 3.3.07

Além de lindo e abençoador, chorei pra caramba na última música... lembrou minha infância na igreja... conhecem essa?

"Eu vou crescer, eu vou crescer

Crescer, crescer, crescer

Crescer para Jesus

E quando eu estiver desse tamanho assim [aí todo mundo dá um pulinho com as mãos pra cima tentando alcançar o mais alto possível]

Eu quero trabalhar pra meu Jesus sem fim.

Laiá laiá..."